понеділок, 11 січня 2016 р.

First impression (Lyceum)

First impressions are crucial! Only shallow people don`t judge by appearances. The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible. (Oscar Wilde) How do you make your first judgments of people before they speak? Do you agree that people form 90% of their opinion of someone in the first 30 seconds? Appearances are deceptive. It is a common truth; practically everyone has met at least someone whose character and appearance differ radically. When one sees a tall, broad-shouldered youth, one expects him to be strong-willed and brave. One thinks: 'A model to follow!' How often a good-looking individual turns out to be petty, weak-willed or even cowardly. Then one thinks: 'A mediocrity!' At the same time everyone knows that a lot of great people were of a poor build: short and fragile. It did not stop them from displaying intelligence and courage. Ingenuity does not depend on one's complexion or constitution. Plump or fat people create an impression of generous and kind personalities. Strangely enough, not rarely they may be thrifty or even greedy. One usually thinks: 'A scrooge!' On the other hand, thin or slim nervous ladies often tend to be lavish. They like to buy and never think twice when they pay. One thinks: 'I would call her open-handed and Mother would call her a spendthrift. Yes, mothers are always stricter in judgments. Has it ever happened to you that you come to an important office and see an important boss? You immediately evaluate his looks: 'Round-faced, small narrow eyes, dimples on the cheeks and an upturned nose. What a kind-hearted person! A simpleton!' You tell the boss of your troubles and expect immediate help. But the boss appears to be rude, harsh and willful. You never get your help and think: 'A stone heart and an iron fist. When someone sees a delicately built pretty blonde with curly hair, blue eyes, a straight nose and a high forehead, one is inclined to think that the beauty is intelligent and nice. It may be disappointing to think later 'What a stupid, capricious, impolite bore!' On the contrary, when one sees a skinny brunette with ugly irregular features — a hooked nose, pointed chin, close-set eyes and thin lips, strange thoughts come to one's head; because it is the image of evil people — cruel and cunning . It may be a relief some time later to find her a clever, gentle and good-mannered lady and think: 'What charm! A heart of gold!' Another general misconception lies in the fact that children are always expected to resemble their parents. And parents like it when children take after them. Relatives like to compare moles, the shape of noses, etc. The greatest compliment is: 'They are as like as two peas'. The greatest disappointment is to find nothing in common. We want to deny people their exclusiveness, we don't want to admit that nature has selected other options from an enormous genetic fund developed over generations. Why do we like our copies? Who knows! Nature likes to play tricks on us. But don't you think it is a present on the part of nature? Life becomes not a boring routine, but a brilliant kaleidoscope of characters and appearances which often clash. Джерело: http://lingualeo.com/ru/jungle/character-and-appearance-46546#/page/1

18 коментарів:

  1. As for me, appearence is deceptive. I can't gudge people by their appearence. Of course, firstly i pay my attention on the image, but if a person is dressed badly it doesn't mean that he has a bad personality.

  2. In my opinion, if a person is dressed neatly and looks nice so he takes care of his image, and it matter what people think about him. Personaly for me, first impression important, but after some time my opinion about him may change.

  3. In our opinion,we agree that people form 90% of their opinion of someone in the first 30 seconds. Because, really the first impression is very important and we can find out much information about someone in the first seconds of communication.
    First impressions are formed by appearance. Really, if people are clean and neat dressed, so it gives good impression for others.The first impression is deceptive. For example, often we don't know a person and think, that his is umpleasant.
    Katya Barabash and Valeria Kozin

  4. It goes without saying that first impression plays an important role for the further communicate.I agree with this assertion.I also try to make an unforgettable impression, becouse 90% of people' opinions of someone make in the first 30 seconds. Appearance is also consists one of the main part of our impression, but I don't think that it is urgent quality in our lives. You do not get the second chance for the first impression (Coco Chanel).

  5. In our opinion, we agree that people form 90% of their opinion of someone in the first 30 seconds. The first impression is vital, because if you can make a good impression you can easy become successful. So, try to keep you in a good form and look good to make a great impression of you. Andrey Orel and Yura Fesiun.

  6. We think, that appearence is important when we meet somebody. Because we don't know the human, at first we paid attention on clothes and beauty of it face.But we will know about temper of human only if we speak with it.
    Man paints the clothes. Naked people have a very small impact in the community, if any at all. (Mark Twain)

    By Tanya Yaremenko and Sasha Brahynets.

  7. I think, appearence is deceptive. Because we can't gudge people by their appearence. But, firstly, I pay my attentioh on the total image. Appearance did'nt tell about the inner world. I agree that people form 90% of their opinion of someone in the first 30 seconds, but often our impression changed after talking with a person/

    Vika Onyshchenko

  8. Facial expression is so important when it comes to making a good impression. You need to make sure your expression is saying more about you than words could in a split second. Make sure you don’t have a false, cheesy grimace slapped across your face- they will know it is fake and masking nerves, arrogance or nonchalance. Go for "I’m a lovely, fun person who would love to chat to you about my future" and come across as warm and outgoing. They need to spend all seven seconds thinking you are confident and professional- which is achieved with a smile- not a frown, grimace or poker face.

    By FreynClaw

  9. I think that first impression about a person is important. But I for one can not draw conclusions regarding his character. I think that looks can be deceiving. A person can look very beautiful, and at the time to be crafty, unjust and deceitful man. Therefore, you should first talk with the person. But unfortunately many of us do not want to start to communicate with someone when the first impression was not good.

  10. I am more than sure that the overall impression about a person depends on the first 30 seconds of communication.Because we make a certain idea about the person.We present the educational level of the person,the style of the person and his preferences in certain directions.So as for me ,the first impression is generally decisive in many situations.Of course recognizing person more may change impression of her but still the first impression will change further the impression in his side.


  11. When i see a girl at first i judge her by behaviour, appearance, clothes. A lot of peaple judge for 30 sec, but i don't belive in it. Personaly i can't understand someone for 30 sec, i need weeks too do it.

  12. I judge people according to their behavior , glance and neat cloth .I agree with the athor that the people form the opinion about person at first 30 seconds . Personally I think that appearance is not very important, but first impression helps me to form any opinion about person

  13. I don't believe on first impression, because for me its deseptive. I think that you should to explore the person and then judge about this person.

  14. I guess that appearance is deceptive. I can't agree that people form 90% of their opinion in first 30 sec because we had a survey and there were no votes for this variant.

  15. I agree that people form 90% of their opinion of someone in the first 30 seconds,but this first impression can be deceptive.At first meeting human may be good-looking with neet clothes and appearence,but this person can be evil.On the other hand,he can be amiable and kind.So,to explore a persone,you should meet him once more to know real him and to make friends.In addition, don`t judge a book by it`s cover.

  16. Я тоже уверена, что первое впечатление обманчиво, поэтому стараюсь иллюзии не строить, а узнать человек лучше.
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