середа, 5 жовтня 2016 р.

Fast food

      -          Look appetising, mouth watering
-          We can’t resist the temptation
-          Tasting delicious
-          Be easy to prepare at home
-          Be delivered to our doorstep
-          Be simply to eat everywhere
-          Be relatively cheap
-          People on low incomes can afford them
-          These restaurants attract young people
-          The atmosphere is friendly
-          Children can run, speak loudly all over the place without anyone complaining
-          They are often open 24 hours a day
-          People can chat, listen to music, study
-          Fast food saves time and energy after a long day of work, with no time for shopping, cooking
-          Service is fast, people’s time is limited
-          Children get small toys with happy meals
-          Celebrate birthdays here
      -          There are playgrounds inside or outside:
-          Are high in fat, sugar, carbohydrate, calories
-          Are low in fibre, vitamins, minerals, protein
-          Contain artificial additives
-          Greasy food weakens concentration
-          Feel drowsy
-          They provide energy but only in the short run
-          May cause allergy, diarrhoea
-          A high intake of salt, sugar and fat damage vital organs (liver, kidneys)
-          Raise cholesterol levels
-          Obesity is a main risk factor for stroke, diabetes, cancer
-          There is obviously a link between fast food and the increasing number of obese people in the western world
-          Fast food restaurants offer super-size options
-          Might become addictive
-          Be hooked on cream cakes, snacks
-          Often crowded, noisy

-          Poor choice of dishes

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